D-Lib Magazine
The Magazine of Digital Library Research
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To browse the contents pages of back issues of D-Lib Magazine, select the appropriate item from the list below. You may also browse alphabetized lists of stories, editorials, and briefings by author or title or you may search the contents of the monthly magazine and reference pages.


January 2000 – Volume 6 Issue 1Full Contents ]

Article: Digital Libraries and the Problem of Purpose
Author: David Levy

Article: On DigiPaper and the Dissemination of Electronic Documents
Authors: Dan Huttenlocher, Angela Moll

Article: DFAS: The Distributed Finding Aid Search System
Author: MacKenzie Smith

Article: Best Practices for Digital Archiving: An Information Life Cycle Approach
Author: Gail M. Hodge

Article: Mapping and Converting Essential Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Metadata into MARC21 and Dublin Core: Towards an Alternative to the FGDC Clearinghouse
Authors: Adam Chandler, Dan Foley, Alaaeldin M. Hafez

Article: Evaluating Website Modifications at the National Library of Medicine through Search Log Analysis
Authors: Aaron Redalen, Naomi Miller


February 2000 – Volume 6 Issue 2Full Contents ]

Article: Reference Linking with DOIs: A Case Study
Authors: Helen Atkins, Catherine Lyons, Howard Ratner, Carol Risher,Chris Shillum, David Sidman, Andrew Stevens

Article: The Santa Fe Convention of the Open Archives Initiative
Authors: Herbert Van de Sompel, Carl Lagoze

Article: The UPS Prototype: An Experimental End-User Service across E-Print Archives
Authors: Herbert Van de Sompel, Thomas Krichel, Michael L. Nelson, Patrick Hochstenbach, Victor M. Lyapunov, Kurt Maly, Mohammad Zubair, Mohamed Kholief, Xiaoming Liu, Heath O'Connell

Article: The Costs of Print, Fiche, and Digital Access: The Early Canadiana Online Project
Author: Bruce R. Kingma

Article: Ad*Access: Seeking Copyright Permissions for a Digital Age
Author: Lynn Pritcher


March 2000 – Volume 6 Issue 3Full Contents ]

Article: Search Middleware and the Simple Digital Library Interoperability Protocol
Authors: Andreas Paepcke, Robert Brandriff, Greg Janee, Ray Larson, Bertram Ludaescher, Sergey Melnik, Sriram Raghavan

Article: Meeting the Challenge of Film Research in the Electronic Age
Authors: Catherine Owen, Tony Pearson, Stephen Arnold

Article: Collection-Based Persistent Digital Archives - Part 1
Authors: Reagan Moore, Chaitan Baru, Arcot Rajasekar, Bertram Ludaescher, Richard Marciano, Michael Wan, Wayne Schroeder, Amarnath Gupta

Article: The Virtual Union Catalog: A Comparative Study
Author: Karen Coyle


April 2000 – Volume 6 Issue 4Full Contents ]

Article: Collection-Based Persistent Digital Archives - Part 2
Authors: Reagan Moore, Chaitan Baru, Arcot Rajasekar, Bertram Ludaescher, Richard Marciano, Michael Wan, Wayne Schroeder, Amarnath Gupta

Article: MyLibrary: Personalized Electronic Services in the Cornell University Library
Authors: Suzanne Cohen, John Fereira, Angela Horne, Bob Kibbee, Holly Mistlebauer, Adam Smith

Article: Creating Accessible Digital Imagery
Author: Clare L. Birdsey


May 2000 – Volume 6 Issue 5Full Contents ]

Article: If Information Wants to Be Free . . . Then Who's Going to Pay for It?
Author: Richard T. Kaser

Article: A Question of Access: SPARC, BioOne, and Society-Driven Electronic Publishing
Author: Richard K. Johnson

Article: Who Is Going to Mine Digital Library Resources? And How?
Author: Lawrence Rudner


June 2000 – Volume 6 Issue 6Full Contents ]

Article: Value-Added Surrogates for Distributed Content: Establishing a Virtual Control Zone
Authors: Sandra Payette, Carl Lagoze

Article: Lessons Learned: Digitization of Special Collections at The University of Iowa Libraries
Author: Carol Ann Hughes

Article: Offering High Quality Reference Service on the Web:The Collaborative Digital Reference Service (CDRS)
Author: Diane Nester Kresh


July/August 2000 – Volume 6 Issue 7/8Full Contents ]

Article: Automated Digital Libraries: How Effectively Can Computers Be Used for the Skilled Tasks of Professional Librarianship?
Author: William Arms

Article: Robust Hyperlinks and Locations
Authors: Thomas A. Phelps, Robert Wilensky

Article: Designing Documents to Enhance the Performance of Digital Libraries: Time, Space, People and a Digital Library on London
Author: Gregory Crane

Article: Virginia Dons FEDORA: A Prototype for a Digital Object Repository
Authors: Thornton Staples, Ross Wayland

Article: Preserving the Authenticity of Contingent Digital Objects: The InterPARES Project
Authors: Anne J. Gilliland-Swetland, Philip B. Eppard


September 2000 – Volume 6 Issue 9Full Contents ]

Article: Collected Wisdom: Some Cross-domain Issues of Collection Level Description
Author: Paul Miller

Article: Archives Described at Collection Level
Authors: Meg Sweet, David Thomas

Article: Collection Level Description - the Museum Perspective
Author: Heather Dunn

Article: Directories of Libraries and Related Organizations
Author: Judith Pearce

Article: Collection Level Description - The RIDING and Agora Experience
Authors: E.V. Brack, David Palmer, Bridget Robinson

Article: RSLP Collection Description
Authors: Andy Powell, Michael Heaney, Lorcan Dempsey


October 2000 – Volume 6 Issue 10Full Contents ]

Opinion: Academic Libraries in a Digital Age
Author: John V. Lombardi

Article: LC21 - Hopes and Cautions for the Library of Congress
Author: James J. O'Donnell

Article: The NSF National Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education Digital Library (NSDL) Program: A Progress Report
Author: Lee L. Zia

Article: A Grammar of Dublin Core
Author: Thomas Baker

Article: Measuring the Impact of an Electronic Journal Collection on Library Costs: A Framework and Preliminary Observations
Author: Carol Hansen

Article: Emulation as a Digital Preservation Strategy
Author: Stewart Granger


November 2000 – Volume 6 Issue 11Full Contents ]

Article: Taking the British Library Forward in the Twenty-first Century
Author: Lynne Brindley

Article: Harvard's Library Digital Initiative: Building a First Generation Digital Library Infrastructure
Author: Dale Flecker

Article: Spoken Words, Unspoken Meanings: A DLI2 Project Ethnography
Author: Michael Seadle

Article: Resource Guide for the Social Sciences: Signposting a Dissemination and Support Route for Barefoot and Meta-librarians in UK Higher Education
Authors: Lesly Huxley, Karen Ford


December 2000 – Volume 6 Issue 12Full Contents ]

Article: PhysDoc: A Distributed Network of Physics Institutions Collecting, Indexing, and Searching High Quality Documents by using Harvest
Authors: Thomas Severiens, Michael Hohlfeld, Kerstin Zimmermann, Eberhard R. Hilf

Article: The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative: Mission, Current Activities, and Future Directions
Authors: Stuart L. Weibel, Traugott Koch

Article: Information Services for Higher Education: A New Competitive Space
Author: Carol Ann Hughes

Article: Intellectual Property Conservancies
Author: David Bearman

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