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January/February 2011 Volume 17 Issue 1/2 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Access to Research Data
Authors: Jan Brase, Adam Farquhar
Article: The Dataverse Network®: An Open-Source Application for Sharing, Discovering and Preserving Data
Author: Mercè Crosas
Article: DataONE: Data Observation Network for Earth Preserving Data and Enabling Innovation in the Biological and Environmental Sciences
Authors: William Michener, Dave Vieglais, Todd Vision, John Kunze, Patricia Cruse, Greg Janée
Article: Quality of Research Data, an Operational Approach
Authors: Leo Waaijers; Maurits van der Graaf
Article: Acquiring High Quality Research Data
Authors: Andreas Hense, Florian Quadt
Article: Criteria for the Trustworthiness of Data Centres
Author: Jens Klump
Article: Abelard and Héloise: Why Data and Publications Belong Together
Author: Eefke Smit
Article: Supporting Science through the Interoperability of Data and Articles
Authors: IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, Ove Kähler
Article: isCitedBy: A Metadata Scheme for DataCite
Authors: Joan Starr, Angela Gastl
Article: "Earth System Science Data" (ESSD) A Peer Reviewed Journal for Publication of Data
Authors: Hans Pfeiffenberger, David Carlson
March/April 2011 Volume 17 Issue 3/4 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Discovering the Information Needs of Humanists When Planning an Institutional Repository
Author: David Seaman
Article: Resource Sharing in Australia: Find and Get in Trove Making "Getting" Better
Author: Rose Holley
Article: The Conference on World Affairs Archive Online: Digitization and Metadata for a Digital Audio Pilot
Authors: Michael Dulock, Holley Long
Article: Teaching Use of Digital Primary Sources for K-12 Settings
Authors: Anne R. Diekema, Heather Leary, Sheri Haderlie, Cheryl D. Walters
Article: Towards Transparent and Scalable OpenURL Quality Metrics
Authors: Adam Chandler, Glen Wiley, Jim LeBlanc
Conference Report: Open Access, Open Data: Paradigm Shifts in the Changing Scholarly Communication Scenario
Author: Elena Giglia
Conference Report: Next Steps in Research, Education and Practice in Digital Curation and Publishing: A Workshop Report from the Fourth Bloomsbury Conference on E-Publishing and E-Publication
Authors: Carolyn Hank, Joyce Ray, Anthony Watkinson
May/June 2011 Volume 17 Issue 5/6 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Institutional Repositories and Digital Preservation: Assessing Current Practices at Research Libraries
Authors: Yuan Li, Meghan Banach
Article: Building an Institutional Discovery Layer for Virtual Research Collections
Authors: Malcolm Wolski, Joanna Richardson, Robyn Rebollo
Article: Model-Oriented Scientific Research Reports
Author: Robert B. Allen
Article: JPEG 2000 for Long-term Preservation: JP2 as a Preservation Format
Author: Johan van der Knijff
July/August 2011 Volume 17 Issue 7/8 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Services for Academic Libraries in the New Era
Authors: Michalis Gerolimos, Rania Konsta
Article: Digital Librarianship & Social Media: the Digital Library as Conversation Facilitator
Author: Robert A. Schrier
Article: Building a Sustainable Institutional Repository
Authors: Chenying Li, Mingjie Han, Chongyang Hong, Yan Wang, Yanqing Xu, Chunning Cheng
Article: Music to My Ears: The New York Philharmonic Digital Archives
Author: Cynthia Tobar
Conference Report: Report on the 2011 Inaugural United States Electronic Theses and Dissertations Association (USETDA) Conference
Author: James RW MacDonald
Conference Report: Open Repositories 2011: Community Meet-up in the "Live Music Capital of the World"
Author: Carol Minton Morris
September/October 2011 Volume 17 Issue 9/10 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Long-term Preservation for Spatial Data Infrastructures: a Metadata Framework and Geo-portal Implementation
Authors: Arif Shaon, Andrew Woolf
Article: MapRank: Geographical Search for Cartographic Materials in Libraries
Authors: Markus Oehrli, Petr Přidal, Susanne Zollinger, Rosi Siber
Article: Automating the Production of Map Interfaces for Digital Collections Using Google APIs
Authors: Anna Neatrour, Anne Morrow, Ken Rockwell, Alan Witkowski
Article: Digitization Practices for Translations: Lessons Learned from the Our Americas Archive Partnership Project
Authors: Lorena Gauthereau-Bryson, Robert Estep, Monica Rivero
Article: A New Way to Find: Testing the Use of Clustering Topics in Digital Libraries
Authors: Kat Hagedorn, Michael Kargela, Youn Noh, David Newman
November/December 2011 Volume 17 Issue 11/12 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Extending the Scope of Trove: Addition of E-resources Subscribed to By Australian Libraries
Author: Rose Holley
Article: A Semantic Registry for Digital Library Collections and Services
Authors: James E. Powell, Krista Black, Linn Marks Collins
Article: Weaving Content with Coordination Widgets
Author: Robert B. Allen
Article: Academic Libraries on Facebook: An Analysis of Users' Comments
Author: Michalis Gerolimos
Conference Report: OAI7 CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication
Authors: Paola Castellucci, Elena Giglia
Conference Report: Report on the 10th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems/Services (NKOS) Workshop
Author: Philipp Mayr
Conference Report: Report on the Workshop "Linking Research and Education in Digital Libraries"
Authors: Vittore Casarosa, Donatella Castelli, Anna Maria Tammaro