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January 2006 Volume 12 Issue 1 [ Full Contents ]
Copmmentary: Folksonomies: Tidying Up Tags?
Authors: Marieke Guy, Emma Tonkin
Article: UKWAC: Building the UK's First Public Web Archive
Authors: Steve Bailey, Dave Thompson
Opinion: Don't Leave the Data in the Dark: Issues in Digitizing Print Statistical Publications
Authors: Julie Linden, Ann Green
Opinion: Automated Capture of Thumbnails and Thumbshots for Use by Metadata Aggregation Services
Authors: Muriel Foulonneau, Thomas G. Habing, Timothy W. Cole
Opinion: The Digital Library for Earth System Education Provides Individualized Reports for Teachers on the Effectiveness of Educational Resources in Their Own Classrooms
Authors: Kim A. Kastens, Neil Holzman
February 2006 Volume 12 Issue 2 [ Full Contents ]
Commentary: Facilitating Scholarly Communication in African Studies
Author: Titia van der Werf-Davelaar
Article: ADL-R: The First Instance of a CORDRA Registry
Authors: Henry Jerez, Giridhar Manepalli, Christophe Blanchi, Laurence W. Lannom
Opinion: FeDCOR: An Institutional CORDRA Registry
Authors: Giridhar Manepalli, Henry Jerez, Michael L. Nelson
Opinion: A Research Library Based on the Historical Collections of the Internet Archive
Authors: William Y. Arms, Selcuk Aya, Pavel Dmitriev, Blazej Kot, Ruth Mitchell, Lucia Walle
Opinion: Observed Web Robot Behavior on Decaying Web Subsites
Authors: Joan A. Smith, Frank McCown, Michael L. Nelson
Opinion: Copyright Issues in Open Access Research Journals: The Authors Perspective
Authors: Esther Hoorn, Maurits van der Graaf
March 2006 Volume 12 Issue 3 [ Full Contents ]
Article: What Do You Do with a Million Books?
Author: Gregory Crane
Article: Early Modern Culture in a Comprehensive Digital Library
Authors: Wolfgang Schibel, Jeffrey A. Rydberg-Cox
Article: From Babel to Knowledge: Data Mining Large Digital Collections
Author: Daniel J. Cohen
Article: Document Recognition for a Million Books
Authors: G. Sayeed Choudhury, Tim DiLauro, Robert Ferguson, Michael Droettboom, Ichiro Fujinaga
Article: Debabelizing Libraries: Machine Translation by and for Digital Collections
Author: David A. Smith
Article: Text, Information, Knowledge and the Evolving Record of Humanity
Authors: Gregory Crane, Alison Jones
April 2006 Volume 12 Issue 4 [ Full Contents ]
Opinion: Coming Together around Library 2.0: A Focus for Discussion and a Call to Arms
Author: Paul Miller
Commentary: Librarians and the Long Tail: Some Thoughts about Libraries in a Network Age
Author: Lorcan Dempsey
Commentary: The Impact of Mandatory Policies on ETD Acquisition
Author: Arthur Sale
Article: Identifier Interoperability: A Report on Two Recent ISO Activities
Author: Norman Paskin
Article: Investing in Value: A Perspective on Digital Preservation
Authors: James Currall, Peter McKinney
Article: The Development of a Local Thesaurus to Improve Access to the Anthropological Collections of the American Museum of Natural History
Authors: Kevin L. De Vorsey, Christina Elson, Nina P. Gregorev, John Hansen
May 2006 Volume 12 Issue 5 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Why OpenURL?
Authors: Ann Apps, Ross MacIntyre
Article: Using Annotations to Add Value to a Digital Library for Education
Authors: Robert A. Arko, Kim A. Kastens, Kathryn M. Ginger, John Weatherley
Article: A Technical Approach and Distributed Model for Validation of Digital Objects
Author: Justin Littman
Article: A Handful of Things: Calisphere's Themed Collections from the California Digital Library
Authors: Isaac Mankita, James Harris, Ellen Meltzer
June 2006 Volume 12 Issue 6 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Distributed Preservation in a National Context: NDIIPP at Mid-point
Author: Abby Smith
Article: Metasearch Authentication and Access Management
Authors: Michael Teets, Peter Murray
Article: Metadata Interoperability and Standardization - A Study of Methodology, Part I: Achieving Interoperability at the Schema Level
Authors: Lois Mai Chan, Marcia Lei Zeng
Article: Metadata Interoperability and Standardization - A Study of Methodology, Part II: Achieving Interoperability at the Record and Repository Levels
Authors: Marcia Lei Zeng, Lois Mai Chan
Commentary: The Digital Road to Scientific Knowledge Diffusion: A Faster, Better Way to Scientific Progress?
Authors: David E. Wojick, Walter L. Warnick, Bonnie C. Carroll, June Crowe
July/August 2006 Volume 12 Issue 7/8 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Building a Distributed, Standards-based Repository Federation: The China Digital Museum Project
Author: Robert Tansley
Article: A Service Framework for Libraries
Authors: Brian Lavoie, Lorcan Dempsey, Geneva Henry
Article: WikiD: An OpenURL 1.0 Application
Authors: Jeffrey A. Young, Thomas B. Hickey
Article: The Role of Evidence in Establishing Trust in Repositories
Authors: Seamus Ross, Andrew McHugh
September 2006 Volume 12 Issue 9 [ Full Contents ]
Opinion: Handle Records, Rights and Long Tail Economies
Author: John Erickson
Article: Repository Librarian and the Next Crusade: The Search for a Common Standard for Digital Repository Metadata
Authors: Beth Goldsmith, Frances Knudson
Article: Perspectives on Teachers as Digital Library Users: Consumers, Contributors, and Designers
Author: Mimi Recker
Article: What Is Needed to Educate Future Digital Librarians: A Study of Current Practice and Staffing Patterns in Academic and Research Libraries
Authors: Youngok Choi, Edie Rasmussen
Article: Computational Science Educational Reference Desk: A Digital Library for Students, Educators, and Scientists
Authors: Diana Tanase, Jonathan Stuart-Moore, David A. Joiner
October 2006 Volume 12 Issue 10 [ Full Contents ]
Article: DLF-Aquifer Asset Actions Experiment: Demonstrating Value of Actionable URLs
Authors: Robert Chavez, Timothy W. Cole, Muriel Foulonneau, Thomas G. Habing, Jon Dunn, William Parod, Thornton Staples
Article: An Interoperable Fabric for Scholarly Value Chains
Authors: Herbert Van de Sompel, Xiaoming Liu, Carl Lagoze, Sandy Payette, Simeon Warner, Jeroen Bekaert
Article: Strategies and Frameworks for Institutional Repositories and the New Support Infrastructure for Scholarly Communications
Author: Tyler O. Walters
Article: Measuring Total Reading of Journal Articles
Authors: Donald W. King, Carol Tenopir, Michael Clarke
November 2006 Volume 12 Issue 11 [ Full Contents ]
Article: The Core: Digital Library Education in Library and Information Science Programs
Authors: Jeffrey Pomerantz, Sanghee Oh, Barbara M. Wildemuth, Seungwon Yang, Edward A. Fox
Article: Author Addenda: An Examination of Five Alternatives
Author: Peter B. Hirtle
Article: Download Statistics - What Do They Tell Us?: The Example of Research Online, the Open Access Institutional Repository at the University of Wollongong, Australia
Author: Michael Organ
Article: E-Content Awards: An Initiative for Bridging the Digital Divide in India and Worldwide
Authors: Mangala Hirwade, D. Rajyalakshmi
December 2006 Volume 12 Issue 12 [ Full Contents ]
Opinion: Jean-Noël Jeanneney's Critique of Google: Private Sector Book Digitization and Digital Library Policy
Author: David Bearman
Article: Using the Audit Checklist for the Certification of a Trusted Digital Repository as a Framework for Evaluating Repository Software Applications: A Progress Report
Authors: Joanne Kaczmarek, Patricia Hswe, Janet Eke, Thomas G. Habing
Article: Digital Library as Network and Community Center: A Successful Model for Contribution and Use
Authors: Cathryn A. Manduca, Sean Fox, Ellen R. Iverson
Article: The Melvyl Recommender Project: Developing Library Recommendation Services
Authors: Colleen Whitney, Lisa Schiff